
Specification for Modulize

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Modulize-Version Specification

In a sense, this is a subset of SimVer.
This document describes only differences.

Definitions of MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH


SimVer and SimVersion references SimVer.

\d Is a DIGIT in range of 0..9
Examples \d -> 0, or \d\d -> 00 n\d Is a DIGIT in range of n..9
Examples \d -> 1, or 1\d\d -> 10 ~\d Is an OPTIONAL-DIGIT in range of 0..9
Examples \d~\d -> 1, 11 or ~\d\d -> 10, 0
~n\d Is an OPTIONAL-DIGIT in range of n..9
Examples \d -> 1, or 1\d\d -> 10

Differences from SimVer